You Get to be Amazing!

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When Jesus said, “you can have whatever you ask for” He meant it. When He said, “I’ve come so your joy would be full,” He wasn’t kidding. When parents tell their kids they can have anything they want in the store, do the kids look for reasons why that can’t be true? No. Without hesitation, those kids are jumping for joy picking out every single piece of candy in the store. The Father is obsessed with you! It is His pleasure to give His kids their dreams. He came so that we could have the time of our lives. He wants you to have more fun than you’re comfortable with. So every ‘but’ or ‘what if’ that comes up to prove why you can’t have everything your dad paid for is betrayal.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. If that is the case, you cannot have faith for something you have no desire for. Those dreams bubbling up inside of you that keep you up at night are your assignment, not what the world or Christianity has convinced you is noble. “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” You will know they are following the Lord and living out their dreams when there is a river of living water flowing from them and they are full of joy! Your desires will communicate His nature and what He is like. Your dreams will display the gospel in a way only you can and it will cause the world to glorify your Father. They will know He had to have His hands in it because you couldn’t have come up with a dream that big on your own. 

There is a warning in this, you will be judged and there is a spirit that will try to kill your dream. There is something at play that does not want the sons and daughters to be revealed. But what’s inside of you, leading, guiding, inspiring and giving you counsel is so much more powerful than anything opposing you. You carry something special that we will never see if you don’t find the guts to let it out. The world does not need this from you, but we definitely want to know the secret that only you have the power to reveal. 

Are you willing to commit, to fight for it and advocate for the dreams the Lord paid for? If so, here’s your task: Believe. That’s your job. You contribute by believing He was enough and that His blood really pulled it off. Then you say “Yes” to allowing Him to lead you in pursuing that dream He put inside of you. 

You already have the answer. Maybe you brushed up against that scary, terrifying thing that you put in the dark when you were younger. Maybe you overlooked it years ago or maybe you just condemned it. There isn’t a formula for your dream, you just have to stop regarding the measurements, standards and qualifications of the world and make it your responsibility to only think what He is thinking. Pull that thing out of the dark and go be amazing! The Lord is not afraid of you getting credit for stuff He did. 

If you want to hear more check out my Podcast: Confessions of a Reformer


The Role You Play


The Ultimate Expression