The Ultimate Expression

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There is a secret God is telling the world. It is in seed form, coming up from beneath the surface  of obscurity in your heart in the form of desire. And the possibility of that secret being experienced by the world is up to you. God wants you to acknowledge what you secretly cherish in your heart because that secret is actually your assignment, it is Him expressing Himself through you, as you. You see, you are His dream. Not your reputation, not your influence, not your ministry, your character or your good works - it has always been you. You’re why He died. You are what He is doing in the world. 

Jesus didn’t die so you could be free to be His slave. He didn’t die so you could be free to do what He wanted. He died so you could be free. Period. What you do with that is up to you. He has a pursuit and wants to lead you, but He has also given you freedom to choose something else. Because He is love, He will never violate your choice. 

So, what if you chose to believe this was true? What if you really believed that Truth is a person telling a story through you? Maybe those secret dreams within you wouldn’t feel so selfish or intimidating. Some of us are terrified of looking at the person in the mirror who has wishes and desires. We care too much about what other people think and we have become addicted to control. Instead of following the nudge to write that blog, make that movie or do that thing that we don’t even have language for yet, we behave, adjust, diminish, hold back, restrict, and lie. We act like what we have is enough and we settle for mediocrity in our comfort zones.

Here’s the thing: if we’re honest with ourselves about our dreams, it’s still not enough. If you feel the pull for more, if you feel the desire to do something but have held back, I want you to know that there is more waiting for you. All you have to do is follow that desire that’s pulling you forward. Surrender to its flow and watch it pull things into your life to aid you in living the life you dream of.

If you want to hear more on pushing past fear to live out your dreams check out this video: You're not allowed to be amazing.

If you want help in navigating these dynamics in your life, apply for coaching within our Hero's Arc program. The Hero's Arc is designed to reconcile our conception of our own identity to the nature of God already flowing through us.


You Get to be Amazing!


Rocks and Pearls