I was always taught that queer people were products of abuse, trauma, or poor parenting. I was told inner healing and therapy could change them. I was told they were choosing a lifestyle and the exclusion they experienced from the church was just the natural consequence of their choices. Thus, these people should be kept at an appropriate distance until they were ready to “heal.”

I reluctantly adopted these “Christian” beliefs, despite the discomfort they caused my conscience.

Until my brother came out.

None of those assumptions applied to him and he accepted his sexuality because God spoke to him, not in spite of Him. My brain broke at the thought that God wanted Mike to be gay. Was that possible?

What if I’m allowed to love my queer brothers and sisters as brothers and sisters, without pretense or conditions?

If that’s true, how do I do that? What does it look like to love a queer person? How do I empathize with an experience I’ve never had?

This group aims to answer these questions.

If you’re heterosexual and cis-gendered and want to support our LGBTQ+ family, this group is for you. If deep down, you know something is off about the way Christians have treated queer people, this group is for you. Even if you don’t know exactly what is off, join us to wrestle it out.

In this group, we’ll detoxify harmful theology, discuss how to provide enthusiastic support for the queer community, learn to recognize our privilege and wield it for the benefit of those marginalized because of their sexuality.

I will personally be hosting this group and we will meet weekly on Tuesdays at 7 pm CST starting on June 28th.

Becoming an ally didn’t just mean I got to accept queer people. It actually meant I got to honor my conscience again. Allyship hasn’t only made me a better sister to my queer brother, it’s made me a better person in general. I hope you join me.

Jesus is the ultimate ally, let’s be like Him.

-Mika Perrin

“If the ‘Christianity’ we profess does not prioritize justice for the marginalized, then it is not the Christianity of Jesus. Claiming the name of Jesus without doing the work of Jesus is blasphemy.” -Zach W. Lambert

  • Check out the answers to our frequently asked questions. If you have a question not listed here, please email contact@mikemaeshiro.com.

  • Your subscription gives you access to:

    A live weekly video call with Mika and other group members.

    Recordings of every live session to watch or rewatch on demand.

    Private online community where you can meet and engage with other Christ-centered allies and leaders in Numa.

    Zuma: A live monthly video call with Mike, the Numa Crew, and the entire Numa community.

  • Allies meets live once a week on Tuesdays at 7 pm CST (Nashville time) for 1 hour.

  • Absolutely! Just be sure you can manage the time difference if you want to be part of the live calls.

  • This group is for straight, cisgender people. If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, check out The Rainbow Room!

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